To join MSCREX (Mississippi Commercial Real Estate Exchange) as a Mississippi real estate agent, broker or affiliate and gain full functionality to upload and manage listings and to have access to all of the great SALES TOOLS available through MSCREX.
MSCREX is a powerful partner for commercial real estate professionals throughout Mississippi to help you sell more commercial real estate and the services associated with those sales. Not only does it provide a premier marketplace within which to display your commercial listings, it provides you access to a robust set of information, data and sales/marketing tools. As an MSCREX member, you have at your fingertips all of the functionality of the tools below. Whether it’s researching market statistics, posting a need or want, displaying your MSCREX listings on your own website, emailing to fellow Mississippi Commercial real estate professionals or broadcast emailing to a wider net of prospects through Cmail, MSCREX is here to help you get results. MSCREX is a Mississippi-specific, single, synergistic source and information platform for brokers, agents, corporations, utility companies, economic development agencies, businesses and much more to sell real estate and services to those seeking commercial real estate in the state.